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St. Peter's Church of England Primary School

Hand in Hand we journey together, guided by God

Curriculum Themes 2019-20

Our curriculum themes rotate on a two, three or four-year cycle, taking into consideration a number of factors including: the needs and previous experiences of a year group; key international events such as the Olympics; the local environment; and community.  Please be aware that the closure of schools to most pupils in Spring 2020, and subsequent reopening to some in Summer 2020, had an impact upon many elements of the planned curriculum for all learners.  Despite the challenges of #homelearning staff continued to endeavour to deliver the full curriculum.  The curriculum themes for 2019-20 were:

Autumn A/4

Spring A/4

Summer A/4







Building the Future!

Adobe PDF icon Greenfinch Overview

Adobe PDF icon Greenfinch Letter


Adobe PDF icon Cuckoo Overview

Adobe PDF icon Cuckoo Letter

New Frontiers

Adobe PDF icon Greenfinch Overview

Adobe PDF icon Greenfinch Letter


Adobe PDF icon Cuckoo Overview

Adobe PDF icon Cuckoo Letter

The Great Exhibition


Adobe PDF icon Greenfinch Letter



 Adobe PDF icon Cuckoo Letter

 Lower KS2


Stone Age Britain

Adobe PDF icon Robin Overview

Adobe PDF icon Robin Letter


Adobe PDF icon Robin Overview

Adobe PDF icon Robin Letter



 Adobe PDF icon Robin Letter



Adobe PDF icon Swallow Letter

Upper KS2


Lord of Earth, Sea & Sky

Adobe PDF icon Swallow Overview

Adobe PDF icon Swallow Letter

Ancient Egyptians

Adobe PDF icon Swallow Overview

Adobe PDF icon Swallow Letter

Follow this link to return to the curriculum themes for this academic year.

For more information about how parents and carers can be actively involved in their child’s learning, please visit the Home Learning page of our website.  You can also find out about our approach to mathematicsreadingphonics and spelling on separate pages of our website.