Cuckoo Class - Monday 6th July
Good Morning Cuckoo Class!
Did you have a good weekend? I took part in a 'Zoom' music quiz on Friday evening which was fun. My favourite round was to guess the first line of the song from the intro – the music at the beginning. This could be a fun game at home to play with partner. Turn the song off before the singing starts and see if your partner can name the tune.
Here are today’s activities. If you are not sure or finding something tricky, it’s okay to stop. I’m really proud of you for trying. Some of the work you will be doing includes some online links. Always make sure an adult knows that you are using the online links. Always follow the e-safety rules we have learned about at school. If anything does not seem right, always let an adult know straight away.
There are some activities which you should be doing as part of daily practice. These are reading your home reading book, practising spellings and doing 5 minutes of maths practice, for instance on Numbots or Sumdog.
Have a marvellous day!
Mrs Skouros.
This week we will be thinking about our bodies and keeping fit. We will also be looking at sculptures. This book is about art which looks at body shapes and natural materials. Please read up to the end of page 11 to learn about outdoor art and a sculptor called Antony Gormley.
This is the same site as the Dinosaur Safari book so your adult should have a login for this.
This task is being set for all classes and is a chance for you to write something to bring in to school to share at the start of the new school year in September. Thank you to Ms Price for organising this. I’d be really interested to see any photos you would like to send me of your jars.
Collect together random objects that interest and inspire you. Put these into a jar and study your jar. Think about how your series of random objects could link together to form a story. Let your imagination roam free.
Using your objects as inspiration plan and write a story. Your story can be inspired by all or some of the objects. However…your story must be no longer than 500 words! Although it will probably be much shorter here in Cuckoo Class.
Think very carefully about how you are going to create setting, plot and ending. Careful planning will be crucial. Bring your story jar and story back to school with you in September.
Not only will your work be added to one of the first displays of the new academic year but you might also win a prize!
Please check last week’s spellings. This week please look at your common exception word list when you are writing. (Click on the images to open the lists in a new window.) You might use some of these in your jar story. Please remember to check you are spelling these correctly in your writing.
They are exception words because they do not always use a phonically plausible spelling. One way to learn how to spell them is to say the sounds you see. For instance, a friend could be a fri-end. Another way is to learn a mnemonic where you say a word for each letter. 'Big elephants can add up sums easily' for because.
Year 1
You will need a 100 square for this activity and a counter. (Click on the 100 square to open it in a new window.) Place a counter on 5. We’re going to add 10. Count on in ones. What do you notice?
We don’t need to add 10 by counting on in ones, we can jump to the number below.
Count in 10s from 5 to 95, moving the counter and saying the number as you do so. Repeat for other numbers starting below 10.
When you are confident, pick a number between 1 and 90 and use this strategy to say, ’10 more than _____ is ____’. Write some +10 calculations.
Do you notice what changes and what stays the same? Use base 10 jottings or this link to explain why this happens when you have 10 more. - choose place value.
Year 2
Today we are going to look at sorting data. Please look at this lesson on MyMaths and work through the slides 1 - 4.
At the end of it, try to create your own Venn diagram for some two-digit numbers.
Design & Technology (DT)
Children’s picture books sometimes have moving mechanisms which make them fun to read. Today we are going to explore a sliding mechanism. You may want to use this type of mechanism in your jar story when you come to publish it. This PowerPoint explains how to make one.
Once you have explored this idea, think about how you can adapt it, e.g. change the direction of the sliding movement.
History/ Music
Near the end of Queen Victoria’s reign, a series of musical concerts were put on in London. These were called promenade concerts which means that people could stand or walk around while the music was being played. The first ones were in 1895 and they have been held every summer since then. Nowadays they are usually performed inside the Royal Albert Hall between July and September each year. This year they will not take place due to the Coronavirus restrictions.
Recently, The Proms have been including concerts which are aimed at children. There was even a CBeebies Prom. You can see it here. It will show you what it is like inside The Royal Albert Hall during a performance. It is quite long so you may just want to look at parts.
Optional Additional Activities
Thank you to Ms Felton who has set today's additional activities.
The British Library
Make a Miniature book for the British Library. The following website gives an explanation and step-by-step instructions.
Story Cubes
Have you ever made a story cube? Check out this website and see if you can create your own at home.
Recycling Art
Here is a collection of easy art projects to try at home using materials from your recycling.
Don't forget, there are lots more links to activities here on the 'Home Learning' page of our website: