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St. Peter's Church of England Primary School

Hand in Hand we journey together, guided by God


What is a Governing Body?

School governing bodies are responsible for working in partnership with the school to ensure that it provides the best possible education for its pupils. The Headteacher is responsible for the day-to-day management of the school.

As a controlled Church of England Primary School our governing body comprises of representatives from the various groups that the school serves - the church, parents, staff and the local authority. A governor's term of office is usually 4 years.  To find out about the make up of our current governing body, please follow the link below.

Adobe PDF icon Meet the Governors - November 2022

To find out about previous attendees at governing body meetings, please follow the link below.

Adobe PDF icon Governing Body Meeting Attendance 2022-2023
Adobe PDF icon Governing Body Meeting Attendance 2021-2022
Adobe PDF icon Governing Body Meeting Attendance 2020-2021


What does a Governing Body do?

Adobe PDF icon Work of the governing body: who are we and what do we do?

Guided by the Department of Education, the governing body acts as a 'critical friend' offering both support and challenge to the school setting its vision, ethos and strategic direction whilst at the same time agreeing targets for school improvement.

Our governing body has wide-ranging responsibilities and works with the Headteacher and staff to:

  • agree the aims and values of the school;

  • ensure the curriculum is sufficiently broad and balanced and meets the requirements of the National Curriculum;

  • oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure that the budget is well spent;

  • support the recruitment of staff;

  • monitor and review the school's progress;

  • ensure that individual pupil's needs are met, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities;

  • provide information about the school for parents; and

  • establish and maintain positive links with the church and local community.

Full governing body and committee meetings are held every half term. Serving the school community in this way is a rewarding experience with our success evidenced by the continuing improvement of our pupils' academic, creative and social development.

Governing Body minutes are available should you wish to see them.  For a paper or electronic copy, please contact the school office.  To find out more about the governing body and the responsibilities of our specific committees, please follow the links below to their Terms of Reference.

Adobe PDF icon Development & Wellbeing Committee
Adobe PDF icon Quality of Education Committee
Adobe PDF icon Finance & Resources Committee
Adobe PDF icon Pay & Staffing Committee